Tuesday, March 25, 2025

The Bathers by Paul Cézanne - 1894-1905

A beautiful & complex painting at London’s National Gallery.

Firstly, I love the subject matter - recalling the charm of summer afternoons, friendships, swimming, lounging. The viewer isn’t directly engaged by the painting. We are intruding, almost. (I have already written about this painting in my write-up of the “After Impressionism” exhibition).

Then, there is a wonderful sense of harmony, a “balance”, to the painting - against the obvious verisimilitude. The colours of the ground and skin, the blues of the sky and shade. I like how the ladies resemble plants and flower petals. 

The difference between Cézanne and his fellow Impressionists is that, while they were looking at the immediate effect of light, he was looking at how he/we perceived objects. Every brushstroke is clearly deliberate and economic - clearly the result of some deep thought.

To paint a harmonious picture, he needed to paint the ladies in a way that relates “naturally” to their environment. And for Cezanne, they appear solid while obeying the proper rules of light (the impressionist inheritance) and a broader harmony. 

Cézanne wasn’t interested in imitating the real world. He wanted to reassemble the elements of the three-dimensional world on a flat canvas. In other words, to represent the real spatial relationships between objects without breaking up the flatness of the canvas. Rather like bringing a sheet of paper to a window pane and tracing what you see outside. The cubists took this idea and sought different perspectives.

He challenges the Renaissance perspective about how we have come to understand that third-dimension; and does so in compelling and beautiful way.

Friday, March 21, 2025

Camille Pissarro, Spring Sunshine in the Meadow at Eragny, 1887

This painting is exquisite. 

It has a daydream-like quality and filled with the beauty and peacefulness of the countryside.

It is by the impressionist painter Camille Pissarro. I saw it in D’Orsay. 

It was painted later in his life when he settled in the village north of Paris, Eragny.

Pissarro’s brushstrokes are magical. His technique of “broken colour” entails small strokes of different blotches side-by-side as opposed to being mixed on the palette. It’s clearly influenced by Seurat’s pointillism (whom he met in 1885). The sense of warmth is captured in the yellows and oranges bouncing of the surfaces (especially the green grassland). Even the bluey shadows seem to further the shimmering sunshine as a wonderful contrast.

The solitary charming lady - holding her basket - almost melts into the atmosphere of sunshine. She is beautiful because she is connected to the nature itself. She is warmth and peace too.

I think the evocation of sunshine and spring make for a moving uplifting painting.

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Hamas chose this war and they could easily end it

Israel has resumed the Gaza strikes targeting mid-level Hamas commanders. Ceasefire over.

This war could be stopped tomorrow if Hamas releases the hostages.

They have refused to do so.


Hamas have also refused to step down from control over Gaza. As such, the ceasefire simply could not proceed to phase 2. I have argued before that this was the likeliest of contingencies.  Israel supported the extension of phase 1 with the release of hostages, but Hamas refused that as well. 

So what other sensible option are there for Israel?

Every single aspect of this so-called ceasefire has been an insult and a joke.

Permitting Hamas to hold onto the hostages indefinitely (i.e. until “Israel fully withdraws from Gaza and agrees to permanently end the war”) was never any form of guarantee for the safety of the hostages. It was a humiliating arrangement which ceded de facto authority to Hamas with no guarantee for their return in any timely manner. Moreover, Hamas were never going to release their only leverage - the hostages.

And what has happened during the 2-month ceasefire? It seems hundreds of new targets were identified by Israeli military and 20,000 terrorists from Hamas and Islamic Jihad took up positions in Gaza preparing to continue attacks. This is a holy war against Israel. The updated 2017 Charter of Hamas makes clear their intent to never end their war against Israel. The original Hamas Charter of 1988 set out their absolute goal of destroying Israel.

Meanwhile, it is Israel that is expected to completely disarm and withdraw. What a joke! Israel is expected to permit Hamas resume their strategic positions, release hundreds of Jew-murderers while Hamas begin their reconstruction, as if nothing ever happened. The same Hamas which has vowed their destruction. The 24 living Israeli hostages will probably still be held - even after the reconstruction of Gaza is complete.

Israel cannot stop while Hamas is left in power. Hamas will never give up their weapons and leave. There’s no choice here. 

Israel must fight on.

Friday, March 14, 2025

The Royal Academy’s exhibition: “Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael: Florence c. 1504”

I’ve recently visited this fabulous exhibition at the Royal Academy in London. I left the gallery elated.

The Royal Academy have pit together works by Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael and focused on the year 1504 – when all three of them briefly crossed paths in Florence and competed for patronage from wealthy patrons. The exhibition focuses on three of the greatest Renaissance works in Britain - The Taddei Tondo, The Bridgewater Madonna and The Burlington House cartoon.

I loved it and was beside myself with excitement in the world of these Renaissance greats. I especially love shows which focus on art history in some depth (such as the possible reason for the Burlington House cartoon).

Overall score: ★★★★★ 5/5


Gallery 1 - “Michelangelo, Raphael and The Taddei Tondo”

The exhibition is split into three rooms and the first room focuses very much on the Royal Academy’s Michelangelo masterpiece The Taddei Tondo.

This tondo (meaning “round”) is the only significant marble work by Michelangelo in any permanent UK collection and it’s beautifully displayed.

The Virgin and Child with Infant St John the Baptist (The Taddei Tondo)

In this marble, the infant St John presents the baby Christ with a goldfinch (the symbol of his Passion). The baby turns away from the bird in fear. As I said, it’s the only marble sculpture by Michelangelo in Britain and despite being unfinished, it is widely regarded as one of his most important works. 

Michelangelo never completed the relief, which shows different degrees of finish – e.g., the goldfinch is hardly recognisable. 

The painting below gives the visitors something of a sense of Florence in that 1504 period. You get an impression for the relatively small size of the Florence while recognising its bustling metropolis-like environment to which Michelangelo, Leonardo and Raphael were drawn.

The first drawings we get to see are from Michelangelo. These are some of his earliest surviving drawings – from the early 1490s. They’ve been brought to this exhibition to tingle the spine but also to explore how Michelangelo developed as an artist.

Pen and brown ink on paper.

Then we’re bought forward to the period of around 1504 and we get to see some truly exquisite drawings by Michelangelo (such as the below male nude).

Pen and brown ink and chalk on paper.

Michelangelo then seems to converge artistically closer to the subject matter of The Taddei Tondo – which is the Virgin and Child with the infant St John the Baptist.


We can see the process involved in creating this tondo play out in front of our eyes and this is one of the reasons why this exhibition is so powerful. (For example, the studies of the infant (St John the Baptist) by Michelangelo were partly inspired by Leonardo’s practice of producing a variety of quick sketches for inspiration and to develop ideas. These are incredibly detailed (and rare!!) sketches which show Michelangelo’s creative process.)


It’s also extremely fascinating when we see how Raphael was very much influenced by The Taddei Tondo – even in its unfinished state. We can see the influence in many of Raphael sketches from the time. There is something really magical in looking over their shoulders, as it were, and turning to see the Tondo in situ (and being able to see the influence).

Raphael’s exploration of the motif of the Virgin and the twisting Christ Child.

Eventually these pictures of the Virgin and child with the infant John the Baptist came to be shown in The Bridgewater Madonna and a similar theme in the Esterhazy Madonna (lent from Budapest).

The Esterhazy Madonna was unfinished.
The Bridgewater Madonna (wiki) with the twisted baby Christ.

Monday, February 24, 2025

I’m Still Here (2025) - film review

I went to the Odeon cinema in Wimbledon to see “I’m Still Here”.

I loved it.

The film is set in 1970s Brazil during the military dictatorship.

The larger-than-life family-man and affable ex-congressman Rubens Paiva simply “vanishes”. Against the subplot of communist-terrorism against the military-rule, Rubens Paiva is implicated. 

His wife Eunice is played by the spellbinding Brazilian actress Fernanda Torres. She is incredible. I think it’s hard for any actor to capture vulnerability, helplessness and terror. If you have tears, be prepared to shed a few.  Her life is torn-apart. She is devastated and terrified; but, at the same time, she has to be strong for her 5 children.

And, so, how do you raise a family (with some semblance of normality) against the terror of faceless evil-doers in uniform.

The movie is filled with an ominous heavy absence. It also exhibits the psychological toll of not knowing what happened to the “disappeared”.

I can’t recommend it enough.

★★★★★ 5/5

The Nazi-like barbarism of Hamas’s martyrdom ideology

The bodies of an Israeli baby Kfir Bibas (nine months old when kidnapped), his brother Ariel (4 years old when abducted), mother and elderly gentleman (Odad Lifshitz) were paraded in a ghoulish publicity stunt. Black caskets in front of baying crowds beneath an antisemitic poster of Netanyahu as a vampire.

Palestinian children were cheering and dancing in this depraved ceremony.

These images remind me of the Nazis.

The Palestinians are being conditioned never to view Jews as human beings. All Jews & Israelis - whether soldiers or civilians, little babies, ALL - deserve death.

How is any civilised nation supposed to be deal with this kind of savagery? 

What fascinates me is that pro-Israelis (like myself) can admit to the faults on “our side”. Israel and the IDF can say, very loudly, that they don’t want innocent civilians to die. Human life is worth protecting. The pro-Israelis in this conflict feel unease and, even misgivings sometimes, about the toll of devastation inflicted on Gaza.

We condemn prison guards torturing Palestinian prisoners. The IDF has v. recently indicted (and soon to be tried) 5 Israeli soldiers for a horrific beating of a Hamas police officer. He “suffered broken ribs, a punctured lung and a tear to his rectum and subsequently required intestinal surgery.” This makes me proud of Israel. I have misgivings about Bibi and I also don't like the settlements of WB.

But the pro-pallys can never do the same.

They don’t actually ever want peace.

My heart goes out to Israel.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

David Lynch died (1946-2025)

Last week, David Lynch passed away. Aged 78.

I don’t know much about this chap other than he directed one of my all-time favourite films: The Elephant Man.

Based on the true story of Joseph Merrick who suffered the most severe deformities. His doctors found it impossible to treat and cure, especially his curved spine enlarged skull.

What is unfathomable was his sweet, gentle and kind soul in the face of such nastiness, cruelty and such backwardness.

A raw and moving film with a stellar cast, it’s a special film which I have reviewed on this blog.

Monday, January 27, 2025

The 80th anniversary liberation of Auschwitz

It’s incredible to think that the liberation was only 80 years ago.

I hope we never forget.

I’m v. glad that King Charles attended the commemoration. 

Unfortunately, there will be detractors and deniers who will argue that the Holocaust remembrance is being overplayed or seek to minimise the uniqueness of Jewish suffering. 

Or, especially nowadays, people will attempt a Nazi comparison vis-a-vis Israel and Palestine. This is to weaponise the Jewish trauma against the Jews to further attack them.